Behind The Commit: Travis Fischer's ChatGPTBot for Twitter

A Developer's Journey into Open-Source and AI

In today's newsletter, we bring you an exclusive interview with Travis, the open-source creator behind the ChatGPT Twitter bot and chatgpt-api (12k ⭐️), an unofficial API for ChatGPT, which started just 3 days after ChatGPT was announced.

With over 100,000 followers and 500,000 interactions, ChatGPT Twitter bot has allowed people from all over the world to experience the magic of ChatGPT, even in areas where OpenAI is banned.

This interview is jam-packed with insights and topics from hacking at the intersection of open-source and artificial intelligence to new funding ecosystems and maintainer mental health.

Highlights include:

✨ Coding a heuristic to circumvent Twitter rate limits (hello, open-source twitter algorithm) 
✨ AI-based captchas
✨ Leaked, free-to-use OpenAI models
✨ “CatGPT” and mouse game with OpenAI
✨ Twitter jail and accidentally creating an invaluable dataset for AI researchers
✨ Travis’ opinion on OpenAI ≠ open-source
✨ Sponsorships don’t cut it for sustainability!
✨ Open-source is the most efficient value creation mechanism

Thank you for watching,